We all know what it feels like when your hormones are balanced.
- Healthy energy levels
- Good moods
- Great Sleep
Many women have been lead to believe that estrogen is the answer to many common hormonal challenges, however, this is not always the case.
Hormone balance is critical for those trying to achieve proper health. Women are becoming increasingly susceptible to estrogen dominance due to many common items that we use in our everyday lives. Estrogen is commonly found in forms of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies. But it’s also in many chemicals used in the production of the foods we eat. There are over 50 chemicals that have been identified as hormonal disruptors and research has shown that many of today’s pesticides actually mimic estrogen in our bodies.
Proféria provides natural progesterone to promote healthy hormone levels.
Proféria is an all-natural topical source of progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for a wide range of processes within the body and when adequately balanced, can help support sleep, mood, weight, and even skin appearance, by balancing water retention levels. Many experts agree that these characteristics make up the essence of achieving Beauty From Within.
It is very common for important hormones such as progesterone to decrease with age. This decrease can lead to a variety of issues, and one common issue that plagues many women is a loss in bone density. Supporting hormone balance with a natural, topical progesterone cream may help the body maintain normal bone density.
Proféria is an all-natural, topical hormone product. It provides a natural source of the progesterone hormone, a key component to healthy hormone levels. Proféria is a safe and effective hormone balancing product that can help you enjoy a healthier life—free from the effects of hormone imbalances.
How Proféria Works
There are many misconceptions regarding progesterone. For many years, it was thought to be a simple sex hormone, however, research has shown that progesterone is vital to men and women of all ages.
For women, progesterone is released right before ovulation, while a decrease in estrogen production occurs. The amount of progesterone produced naturally within the body should normally exceed 200-300 times that of estrogen. Since estrogen is released in much smaller amounts than progesterone, it’s easy to see how a minor increase in estrogen production has a large effect on the body’s overall hormone balance.
It’s important to understand that hormone balance can be achieved in some cases by increasing the amount of progesterone in one’s body. We recommend having your hormone levels checked via saliva testing to ensure that a progesterone supplement is right for you. Progesterone plays a vital role that estrogen does not, due to the fact that it is a precursor to many other hormones within the body.
Progesterone is also calming and counteracts many of the uncomfortable symptoms one would experience with excessive estrogen. It also has been shown to boost immune health and increase energy levels.
Proféria for Men’s Health
Can Proféria be beneficial for men?
While a vast majority of progesterone cream seekers are women, there are a growing number of men that have been using these creams to support prostate health. Many progesterone creams, including Proféria, are marketed more toward women, but the product is safe for men and could be effective for men’s health.
Men produce progesterone at approximately half the rate of women. However, it plays just as important of a role in hormone balance in men as it does in women. Just as testosterone production decreases with age, the same occurs with progesterone.
Add Proféria to your repertoire today to start enjoying a healthier, more balanced life.
Over 30 natural ingredients
Proféria is an exclusive, all-natural proprietary blend of 30 specific bio-active skin factors and concentrated natural United States Pharmacopeia (USP) progesterone in a base of wild yam extract, pure water, and soothing aloe vera. These skin factors include the antioxidants A, C, and E, which assist in protection from free radicals. Containing no petroleum, lanolin, or other animal-derived ingredients, Proféria uses the highly soluble and well-absorbed wild yam extract as a carrier for its progesterone.
Creams that do not contain progesterone and instead depend on the body’s ability to naturally convert wild yam extract into progesterone will simply not work. The progesterone in Proféria is extracted from wild yam and studies have shown that this natural progesterone is far safer than synthetic progestins.
Proféria should be applied once daily or as directed by your healthcare provider. Apply to thin areas of the skin, such as the neck, breasts, inside the arms, etc. A typical dosage of Proféria varies on the individual and the symptoms they’re experiencing. We recommend a 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Proféria daily (contains appx 20mg of progesterone per 1/4 teaspoon).
Warning: Do not take Proféria without the consent of your physician if you are pregnant or nursing.
Pre-Menopausal Women: For best results, we recommended using progesterone creams for a period of two weeks in between each menstrual cycle. Calculated from Day 1 of the menstruation cycle (the first day of bleeding), begin using Proféria on Day 12 through Day 26, applying the recommended amount. Stop using the cream from Day 27 through Day 11 of next month’s cycle.
It is important to take these breaks each month in order to allow the body to re-sensitize to the cream. Alternate the area of application to maximize absorption.
Post-Menopausal Women: For best results we recommended applying Proféria as directed for a period of 21 consecutive days during the month. Stop using Proféria for one week to allow the body to become re-sensitized to the progesterone. Alternate the area of application to maximize absorption.