If you suffer from occasional bouts of bloating, belching, discomfort or even diarrhea following meals, you may be sensitive to common sugars that easily ferment in the digestive system. These sugars are referred to as FODMAPs. The simplest solution would be to eliminate these foods from your diet, but any type of elimination diet can be difficult. In fact, completely eliminating FODMAPs is likely impossible, or at least improbable to accomplish while maintaining a well-balanced diet. FODMAPs are typically found in some of the most nutritious fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Fortunately, FODMAP DPE was created to eliminate the worry of whether or not a meal may result in distress.
FODMAP DPE (Digestive Probiotics and Enzymes) is a blend of specialized enzymes and spore-forming probiotics that assists the body in properly digesting highly fermentable foods, commonly known as FODMAPs.